Let's face it, I don't write much on here because I'm not the best at grammar. I write what is on my mind and rather it makes sense or not, well I'm sorry, I don't have any one to edit what I write. My BFF has so much on her plate as it is, I hate to burden her with more stuff.
I'm writing today because today, as pretty much every day, I take my 10 year old to the bus stop, he does not want to do his routines. Daddy takes him the first 2 days of school. He does what he is suppose to. I've spanked him (my son) on the behind, I've taken toys away. He said he wanted to go to Hastings this weekend. (he must not be to worried about it or he would have gotten his routines done right?) I don't know. I wish I could talk to other parents who has children with ADHD. My son I'm assuming chose to be defiant this morning. He does this all the time.
WHAT would you do as a mom with a child with ADHD to get him to get ready? I have tried everything to get him to do right. He just does not want to do for mommy. Am I not "Mean" enough. Should I be more assertive? I guess I'm scared of hurting him. Any advice would be great.