This has been a hecktic week for us. Saturday, I let my dogs out to go potty. And well The boys came back to the house. and I had this sinking feeling about my female dog. Usually It is Gizmo who comes in first, then Sometimes Fancy then Rusty. Sometimes Rusty then Fancy, But Rusty and Gizmo comes in together. I called for Fancy(my female dog,) She does not come. I wait about two hours and still no show. So for the next few days we look for her, Then we ask our neighbors to see if they had seen her. And No luck.
What stinks about this is about about 7 years ago. our long haired Chihuahua done the same thing. We found him though. He was about dead. He had been attacked by a big dog. and Had internal bleeding. After that we had put up a dog fence with a gate to keep them in the yard.
Sometimes they do not always get in their area. Well I would carry Fancy to put her in the gate because she will go under the house instead. Saturday night. The 19 of Sept 09, I let my dogs out. Well. I didn't think to pick up Fancy and carry her. I let them out to go potty and a little while later, When I realized it was time for them to come back in the house. Gizmo and Rusty were ready to come in. and Fancy was not. Well. I called for fancy and she had not come back I figured she may need some more time. After 2 hours of calling for her and not having any luck, I figured I would go to bed in hopes she would return the following morning. One time Rusty had ran off and had come back the next day. So I had hoped the same for my girl dog. But noooo.
Well consider the is 14 years old and has cateracks and getting hard of hearing.
This is what I think could have happened. I saw a cat in our yard earlier that day. I think They might have chased it. and Fancy followed it for a while. and then lost her way back home. I'm still hoping that she turn up. IF she does not, I'm hoping she has reunited with Little buddy. And in Doggie Heaven.
After all that, Monday I had to get a tooth pulled that has been bothering me for 2 months. so now I'm missing my dog and my jaw hurts a bit. I do hope that the next few days gets better for us. I know my jaw will start feeling better. But anyways. I just had to write in my blog today. It has been a while since I have. I do apologize for the sad story. But I had to get that off my chest. and..............
on a side note. I'm trying some html for a mamma source site. I"m assuming. This site came up and Since I do blogs, I wanted to try this and add something pretty cool for moms. If you need help with stuff this is a cool site.
Although, I'm not quite sure about mammapedia, but I believe it is a part of mammasource and I enjoy that site. So. let me know what you think.
Feel free to comment on my blog. And I hope my readers are having a better then We had... And IF you are feeling down. Laugh at something or find something laugh about and think about the good things that happened, I know it is hard some times, but We HAVE to laugh to help us through the day. Take care.